World-Class Wordpress Web Design & Development

Get a Custom Site Optimized for SEO and Mobile

WordPress web design without optimization is just more work down the road. We don’t put you or ourselves in that position. Our SEO Experts work on all the Keyword Research and On-Page Optimization to give you a ready to rank and convert website.
Plus a One-Month Free SEO Campaign

Revenue Generating Websites For Boston Companies

At MarqEight we think that a website is not just a business card or a virtual showcase, but a means to communicate the right message to the right user in a clear and immediate way, an indispensable tool for growing your business and creating value. The search optimization, design, graphics, and user experience of a site are the essential elements to achieve this result.
We put maximum effort into your brand’s image, paying attention not only to the aesthetic aspect, but also taking care of other equally fundamental elements such as accessibility and usability, keyword-researched and industry-specific optimized content creation, effectiveness of descriptive text, page loading speed, cross-browser and multi-device compatibility.

Website Services


We build your company a convincing and distinctive brand identity, to emphasize the values and reinforce the existing reputation of the brand.


We build innovative, conversion-first WordPress websites with Responsive Design for optimal browsing experience on all types of devices.


We take the hassle out of web-hosting, security, and marketing your WordPress website with expert ongoing website care and marketing management.

Great Websites Convert Clicks into Contacts and Sales!


Results Driven Websites

We create websites according to customer’s needs and in-depth analysis of the business. We gather valuable information that allows us to plan a precise messaging strategy to achieve concrete objectives.

Our professionalism combined with the optimization of the production process, allows us to create websites of the quality, at competitive prices compared to the market.
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Beautiful, Responsive, and Optimized Web Designs

A site with a responsive interface is displayed correctly on smart TVs, computers with large and small screens, laptops, mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones, making all content accessible, smooth, fast and with intuitive navigation for all types of devices.

According to Google's research, as of 2015, people browsing on the move exceeded desktop traffic. It is now essential to have a website that accommodates the user’s device in the best possible way. At MarqEight, we build mobile-first, responsive sites following an agile development methodology.
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WordPress Experts

MarqEight's Boston web designers create static websites, landing pages and dynamic websites such as e-commerce, mobile web apps and blogs for local businesses and other entrepreneurs. Each project is always enriched with ad hoc animation, transitions, illustrations and multimedia content, to make the final result unique.

Each dynamic site is built on WordPress or Shopify Content Management System; a platform with a control panel that allows you to update, modify or upload new content and pages, in a simple and completely autonomous way, thus eliminating downtime and costly management costs.
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Capture More Customers with a Google Search Compliant Website

Web designers build websites to the customer's specifications. We build research-driven, conversion-optimized websites to grow businesses.
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Our Website Process

Your customers are searching for you online and a conversion-driven website is the best method to help them find and engage with your business. Here is how we create yours.


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QA Testing

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Go Live

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Pricing Plans

We charge by the project, NOT hourly. As we sometimes spend days on a single webpage to get the design right, we do this both to save you money and improve the final product.

Gold Package

Our team of copywriters will write industry-specific, bespoke content. Our SEOs will do all the Keyword Research and On-page Optimization and Team MarqEight web developers will do all the coding for a beautiful, conversion-driven, ready-to-rank, custom WordPress website on one of our prefabricated mockups. 
Package starting price is: 
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Platinum Package

Our team of copywriters will write industry-specific, bespoke content. Our SEOs will do all the Keyword Research and On-page Optimization, the UX design team will create mockups based on your chosen design, and our web developers will do all the coding for a beautiful, conversion-driven, ready-to-rank, custom WordPress website. 
Package starting price is:
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WordPress Website Only Plans

Need a Simple Brochure Website Only?

If you need a simple lead generation website just to get something started, talk to us about our $1,000 starter sites. You’ll be up and going within 2 weeks! 
Call 617-644-6888 or submit our online form for a quote.
Get started

SEO-Centric WordPress Website Features

MarqEight's WordPress Websites for Boston, Massachusetts businesses include the following features:

Fast Turnaround Time

Thanks to our agile methodology, we can complete your custom website design in as little as 21 days.

Custom SEO Strategy

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Keyword Research

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On-Page SEO

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Off-Page SEO

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Link Building

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Content Creation

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Monthly Reporting

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Tracking Dashboard

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Content Creation

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Tracking Dashboard

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our reliability claims are backed up by strong SLAs;
A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

Free, painless migrations managed completely by us;

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

Unlimited access to Level 3 support - 24x7x365;

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

Use the latest web platforms that your customers need;

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

Liberate yourself with time-saving managed services;

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

Eliminate downtime with top-shelf enterprise hardware;

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

A refreshingly cost-effective alternative to DIY hosting;

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

Keep full control over your hosting with root access;

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

Free scale-assist for when you need more resources;

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

Get an expert's take during onboarding.

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

get a free consultation

Ready to Build a High-Performance, Conversion Website?

Tell us about you, your organization, and how we can partner to achieve your goals and even greater success, together?
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Boston WordPress SEO Experts

MarqEight's mission is to assist small businesses in Boston Massachusetts and New England leverage WordPress websites and Search Engine Optimization to grow online visibility, acquire new customers and close more sales. 
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